Viking Swap: NFT’s and Lottery

Fisk Karlsson
3 min readMar 5, 2021


Hallå Warriors!

The last few days have been rife with uncertainty. First and foremost, we want to thank you, the community, for HODLing and staying strong. We appreciate the nice egg of support during these trying times and want you to know that we are all in this together. We too, have seen losses and we know the pain you are feeling. In true Viking spirit, the only way we can get through this is by working together. Those who have been posting positively on public forums have been seen and it adds fuel to our fires and power to our skjaldborg so again, thank you!

On to good tidings! The dev Dwarves have been working hard and tending their forges, to follow up from the recent news about the designs of the NFTs, we can now share the plan that we have to introduce them via lottery. This has two benefits. Firstly, we hope that the community will enjoy summoning our honored Viking warriors and collecting their own little army. Secondly, this will be a strong deflationary mechanic which will help to stabilise our VIKINGs and prevent value loss.

You will be able to spend VIKING (price to be determined) to summon 1 of 30 of our fabled warriors to join your ranks. Which Viking you get is completely randomised and you can either aim to collect the full set or trade them back for VIKING tokens. Any VIKING spent on these NFTs will NOT be sent to dev pockets but will be sent to the glorious halls of Valhalla (can you smell that sweet burn?). The purpose of our NFTs is not to create additional wealth for the devs, but to have an in-built, income-style naturalised deflation mechanic so that we can all go to Valhalla in glory.

The lottery aspect will provide a way for our community to gain tokens by selling NFTs back to the pool. Common warrior NFTs will have a small incentive to trade in (for example, 20% summoning cost), while the legendary warriors will have a much higher incentivized value (for example, 5,000% summoning cost). We also hope to introduce a bonus incentive for trading in a full set of these fabled warriors, thus leading to a secondary market. The goal being that those looking to complete their cohort of Vikings will be willing to pay higher than retail value for their missing warriors. Additional warriors, perhaps in the form of themed seasons, will follow afterwards.

The Dwarves are working day and night to bring this entire project glory and recognition. Due to this system being a completely new aspect to the DeFi space, we have experienced some setbacks and have reluctantly had to adjust our release date. We aim to have this system in action by March 20th, 2021. We continue to ride together. Onwards!

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