Viking Swap: Enduring the Storm!

Fisk Karlsson
3 min readMar 3, 2021


Äring och Frid! (Glory and Peace!)

Our noble Warriors and valued community, thank you for your continued support and trust in this project. The past few days have been painful for those of us who continually monitor the price of our brave token. Seeing it plummet has hit us all like a dagger to the heart. Our investigations have revealed that several whales dumped in quick succession and this was followed by a torrent of FUD in our Telegram channel. There is no evidence of a coordinated attack so anything on that topic is purely speculation, but we can say for sure that massive price movements can create a chain reaction.

We originally opened a price discussion channel for people to vent and expend frustrated energy, but sadly we saw this space turn toxic far too quickly. While we do wish to allow freedom of speech, FUD and toxicity can only negatively impact our price and community in the long run. With this in mind, we have taken the step to shut the price discussion channel down for the time being. However, it may be something we look at coming back to in the future.

Though the last few days hit hard for all of the dev Dwarves, mods and admins who have been pouring heart and soul into this project, we continue to be confident that the features that we plan to implement in the future will allow Viking to find its own unique and sustainable space in the DeFi ecosystem. To that end, it is with joy that we wish to announce the designs of our female VIKING NFTs! Our Common, Rare, Epic and Legendary designs have now been finalised, to complement the Common, Rare, Epic and Legendary male designs.

Common Viking (female)
Common Viking (male)
Rare Viking (female)
Rare Viking (male)
Epic Viking (female)
Epic Viking (male)

Our dev Dwarves continue to chip away at the code and both the tokens and the lottery system are due to be installed within the week. This will further improve on our burning mechanism and enhance our inflation. Be on guard for this announcement and be sure to burn some of your VIKINGs in order to earn some NFTs.

Additionally, we are expecting the results of our audit from Certik within the week as well. We can’t wait to share this with you to further prove the strength of our skjaldborg. HODL strong, dear Warriors. Do not listen to the whisper of the night.

Stand firm, and together we will see the glory of the dawn.

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