Viking Swap: Caring for the Community
Sæl Warriors!
Here in our Viking community, we want to ensure that there is a feel-good factor around the campfire. This is to pay homage to the honorable culture with which the original Norse Vikings conducted their business. With that in mind, we have committed to regular charitable donations and are pleased to say that we have given $20,000 to charities in our first week of trading.
Check out their amazing work here:
Currently, we are in a position where it is complicated for us to give more than $10,000 in a single donation unless we can begin to give via BSC. If any of our supportive community know of charities that will take donations via BSC then please get in touch, either on our Telegram community or by Tweeting us @VikingSwap.
If this is something that interests you, please take a look at our Google Form:
One of the reasons we are looking to make charitable donations is to find more meaningful ways to employ the dev-fund. Right now, we are using a percentage of dev-funds for buyback and burnoff. This will be continuing as we move forward, but the impact has been lessening as our liquidity grows, so we are working on introducing further, more impactful deflationary methods for our tokens in the near future.
Our Dwarves’ goal with Viking Swap is to create the safest, most sustainable model for our token and to ensure that all HODLers will see significant returns on their armies in the long run. To this end, we continue to be receptive to community feedback and are always open to unique opportunities that may be available.
Stay alert for more updates and glory!
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